In 2014, the shared reverence for one of rock’s most iconic bands of the 90’s and 2000’s gave birth to Weezerton. It began when co-founder and guitarist Dominic Antonelli floated the idea of creating a tribute to Weezer. He approached fellow co-founder and drummer Josh Sharrar, and together they embarked on a musical journey, encapsulating everything from Weezer’s early works like ‘The Blue Album’ and ‘Pinkerton’ to their contemporary masterpiece, ‘Everything Will Be All Right in the End.’
Dominic Antonelli
A seasoned audio engineer and Weezer aficionado, Dominic’s connection with Weezer runs deep. The very first song he mastered on guitar was Weezer’s iconic ‘Say It Ain’t So.’ From his days with his initial band, ‘Far From Grace’ in 2003, to subsequent stints with ‘Inward from Outside’, ‘PDS’ (alongside Ian Reed), and ‘Chico’s Riff’, Dominic has consistently kept the Weezer flame alive. It was during his time with ‘Chico’s Riff’ that he crossed paths with Josh Sharrar. To him, ‘Say It Ain’t So’ holds a special place as his all-time favorite Weezer track.
Ian Reed
A versatile musician with over 15 years as a bassist, Ian has been a stalwart in several bands, including ‘StrongHold’, ‘Stone Villa’, ‘Bandit’s Way’, and ‘PDS’, where he collaborated with Dominic. Though a master of the bass, Ian sought to diversify his skills and took up the lead guitar. His go-to Weezer tune? The catchy ‘Burnt Jamb’.
Hector Badilla
Hector’s musical journey has its roots in a high school elective guitar class at North Salinas High. Rather than sticking to the basics, Hector dived deep into learning any song his peers could teach him. His Weezer love story began in 1997 when ‘Say It Ain’t So’ graced the airwaves. A staunch Weezer supporter ever since, he eagerly joined Dominic in 2014 to co-create Weezerton. His top Weezer picks? The energetic ‘Blast Off’ and sultry ‘Tired of Sex’.
Doug Feasel
A rhythmic force hailing from the Midwest, Doug Feasel has etched his name as a drumming maestro. Known for his role in ‘Loaner’ and his outstanding performances with ‘The Red Hots: Tribute to RHCP’, Doug’s entry into Weezerton was facilitated by Ian Reed, his bandmate from ‘The Red Hots’. A stickler for perfection, Doug seamlessly recreates the most intricate of drum sequences, all while sprinkling in his unique touch. His Weezer anthem of choice? The passionate ‘Tired of Sex’.
Together, as Weezerton, these musicians come alive on stage, paying the ultimate homage to Weezer and gifting audiences with performances that echo the spirit of the legendary band.