OINGO BOINGO tribute band Dead Man’s Party has been bringing you Boingo tunes LIVE – the way you remember ’em from the original Oingo Boingo shows – for over a decade! This 8-PIECE BAND has been fashioned after the ORIGINAL OINGO BOINGO LINE-UP, featuring a THREE-PIECE HORN SECTION, GUITAR, BASS, KEYS, DRUMS and a front-man so convincing that people sometimes believe that they are actually watching DANNY ELFMAN himself!
Not only has DMP been “ELFO-APPROVED” by Oingo Boingo founder & DMP supporter RICHARD ELFMAN, but the band is even sometimes joined on stage by FORMER OINGO BOINGO BAND MEMBERS, such as
“Hard-core Boingo fans continue to show their support and appreciation for the band’s ‘TRUE TO BOINGO sound and their lead-singer’s uncanny resemblance to DANNY ELFMAN, both in looks and in vocal performance. Whether you’re an old-school MYSTIC KNIGHTS of the OINGO BOINGO fan, a DANNY ELFMAN / OINGO BOINGO fanatic, or are new to the Boingo world, DMP always delivers a HIGH-ENERGY, IN YOUR FACE PERFORMANCE that never disappoints!”